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Dermaplaning: Your Path to Radiant Skin

Dermaplaning is a specialised procedure that unlocks the secret to brighter, smoother, and more rejuvenated skin. Using a medical-grade scalpel in gentle sweeping motions, we expertly exfoliate your skin, removing dirt and vellus hair, often referred to as “peach fuzz.” The results are nothing short of remarkable: makeup that flawlessly glides, and a skincare regimen that becomes more effective than ever before. Experience cleaner, refined pores, a helping hand in the battle against acne, all in a super gentle and relaxing treatment. Dermaplaning is your key to unveiling a refreshed and radiant complexion.

Microneedling: Unlock Your Skin’s Radiance

Experience the transformative power of microneedling, a state-of-the-art treatment that harnesses your skin’s natural healing response. Using a precise microneedling pen, this treaent creates tiny micro-wounds on the skin’s surface, essentially tricking your skin into believing it needs to repair and rejuvenate itself. This process stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in a genuinely revitalised complexion. At Faces By Bae, we not only offer Microneedling as a standalone treatment or with needling serums but also as an integral part of the renowned Vampire Facial and Scalp PRP, all designed to elevate your beauty.

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Vampire Facial: Harnessing the Power of Your Skin’s Renaissance 

The Vampire Facial is an innovative cosmetic procedure that taps into your body’s natural healing abilities. This advanced skincare treatment is often referred to as the “Vampire Facial” because it involves harnessing the power of your own blood. Your blood comprises four primary components: red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. The magic happens when we concentrate the platelets in the plasma. This process involves separating all four components by density and then isolating the platelets in the plasma, excluding the red and white blood cells.

This treatment has been the leading skincare choice for many years due to its outstanding results, and its popularity is further fuelled by the enthusiastic backing of numerous celebrities.

The Vampire Facial offers a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Reduction of pigment issues
  • Wrinkle treatment
  • Scar lightening
  • Stimulation of collagen regrowth
  • Skin tightening
  • Restoration of a youthful glow

This treatment promotes increased collagen production, resulting in tighter, firmer skin with improved moisture retention, enhanced tone and texture, and lasting results. You can experience the power of your body’s natural rejuvenation every 4-6 weeks with the Vampire Facial.


Million Dollar Miracle Mask

This multi-functional treatment is designed to work miracles in one session. leaving skin tighter, firmer and brighter. using the latest technology, this miracle mask has the unique ability to create micro circulation, promote collagen , promote elastin, and stimulate detoxification. Instantly energising the skin, it gives that ‘red carpet look’ 72 hours before any big event in your social calendar. Million Dollar Miracle Mask can be performed weekly and incorporated as part of your lifestyle and skin care routine. Results last up to 7 days, lasting results come from pro longed use. The magic of the Miracle Mask shows the peptides and antioxidants, tighten and firm the skin. This formula stimulates plasma into the deeper levels of the skin in order to enhance cellular renewal. By helping to promote keratinocytes, collagen and elastin, the skin can remove impurities and provide a youthful appearance.

Chemical Peels: Renew Your Skin’s Beauty

Welcome to the world of Chemical Peels at Faces By Bae, where we unlock the power of transformative skincare. Our chemical peels are carefully designed to rejuvenate your skin, revealing a more youthful, radiant complexion.

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